New Year, New Goals, Less Pressure
The start of the new year sometimes comes with this pressure to have every single goal in place, your vision board finished and a complete plan of the things you want to accomplish for the next 365 days. However, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to subscribe to that way of thinking, doing and being. It’s okay to not have it all figured out. Every single detail does not have to be in place on January 1st, or even in this month at all. You can ease into the year instead of hitting the ground running. As a busy wife and mom, who also works full time and has many responsibilities, I’m often tired and over-extended. I recognize that I don’t need to overthink or stress about my goals. What matters most is that I’m in tune with the One who knows it all and that I follow His leading. I encourage you, as I encourage myself. Release yourself from having to have everything done and figured out.
For years, I would write out my goals so that on the 1st day of the year, I would be ready to tackle them all. What was problematic with that is there was no realistic plan put in place on how I would accomplish the goals. I would end up giving up on some things within a few weeks. Some things would be checked off my list, but I’d miss the mark on others. Over the years, however, I’ve become wiser. I recognize that it’s okay to take my time with things, pray, hear from God, strategize and most importantly, submit my plans to the Lord. Afterall, there’s no point in writing all these plans down if you’re not going to submit them to the One who can make your plans to succeed.
What plans are you submitting to God?
Proverbs 16:3 AMP
Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].
Proverbs 16:9 NIV In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.