Holiday Gift Guide- Tabitha Brown Favorites

I don’t know anybody who doesn’t love Tabitha Brown. She is one of my favorite people who I hope to meet one day. Her sweet spirit, calming presence and words of wisdom, capture my attention and heart every time I hear her voice. Her story is one of inspiration and hope. From growing up in a small town in North Carolina a few miles from where I was born, raised and currently reside, to now being known as “America’s mom,” she has created a unique lane of her own, showing us that you don’t have to do and be just one thing, you can be successful at many things at the same time. Truly, God’s favor and faithfulness are all over her. She’s the perfect example of how God’s goodness and mercy will follow you when you walk in obedience. I could go on and on about Ms. Tab, but I wanted to share some of my favorite items from her many businesses, partnerships and collaborations. Check them out below.

 *Please note that all links are affiliate links which allow me to earn a commission for finding and sharing these items. Thank you in advance for your support.


Skincare Essentials for Oily/Acne Prone Skin


Walmart Holiday Gift Guide