Why I Started My Blog

Randomly one day back in 2011, I stumbled upon some content on the Internet where women were showcasing their outfits. They were giving details about how to style certain items and where to buy the latest fashions. At the time, I had no idea that taking pictures of outfits and writing about them was “a thing”. I soon realized that the articles I was reading were called blogs. Finding blogs at this time in my life was so refreshing, as I was in need of a creative outlet. I became so interested in them, that I found myself searching for new blogs to read almost every day. It was then that I fell in love with fashion blogs.After months of reading different blogs, I realized that blogging was something I could do. Since I had a genuine interest in it, it only made sense to give it a try. I went back and forth with the idea, sitting on it until 2013. It was then that I finally decided that I would commit to it. I started off as a fashion blogger, sharing my outfits similar to how the ladies did in the blogs that I followed and read. After a few years of focusing on fashion, I began to get bored with it, feeling somewhat limited. I decided to rebrand in 2017, shifting my focus to lifestyle content. Lifestyle is definitely my sweet spot and I really enjoy the wide variety of topics I can write about in this niche.Blogging as afforded me some nice opportunities. I’ve met great people, learned a lot, made business connections and have worked with a few brands. I’m currently at a point where I’m ready to really shift things to focus on treating my blog/brand like more of a business. I’ve made some steps in that regard, but I’m ready to take things to the next level.


Quarantined Away From My Husband


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