Advice for 2020 Brides and Grooms: Feature in Black Bride Magazine

I’m sure none of us ever thought we would find ourselves facing a Pandemic this year. Covid-19 has caused us to make adjustments in so many ways. From being in quarantine for months, to wearing face masks everywhere we go, this virus has caused many people to recognize the importance of their health, while also showing us that life is short.Additionally, the Pandemic has forced many to postpone and sometimes cancel very important events. Can you imagine having to postpone your wedding during this time? An event you dreamed of since childhood, and put so much money and time into planning is all of a sudden put on hold until further notice. I’m sure the current state of events has many brides and grooms disappointed, but while working to adjust wedding plans, it’s important to take this extra time to also plan for your marriage. Check out the four areas I believe you need to focus on to plan for a successful marriage.*This article was featured in the 2019 Winter Issue of Black Bride Magazine.


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