5 Bible Plans to Help Overcome Anxiety

We are living in turbulent times. From the pandemic, to police brutality, amongst other things, there is a lot going on in the world. After a while, everything can begin to take a toll on ones mental. I know for me it has. Add job loss and new mom to all of that, and things have been somewhat of a challenge at times. In times like these, I sometimes get anxious and begin to worry.God instructs us to not be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6). As a Christian, we are to have faith, knowing that God will work things out for our good. Despite knowing that truth, anxiety can still creep in. Anxiety is a tool of the enemy designed to keep us living in fear. When we are fearful and anxious, it’s important to cast those negative thoughts down to bring them captive to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). In addition to trading anxious thoughts for faith filled thoughts, I find it helpful to pray daily and read and study the word. A part of that includes using the bible app to check out bible plans related to what I’m dealing with. When I’m anxious and fearful of the unknown, finding the right bible plan is key. The plans mentioned below have been really helpful for overcoming anxiety. Check them out if you or someone you know may need them.

Anxious For Nothing by Max Lucado

Victory Over Anxiety by Charles F. Stanley

From Anxiety to Peace by YouVersion

Anxious For Nothing by Life.Church

Where Do You Place Your Trust by Encounter

What helps you get through times of anxiety? Let me know in the comments below.


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