The Collection by Courage Kinks and Curves


For those of you who have been reading CKC for a while, you may remember earlier this year when I mentioned I would be starting a new series, Courageous Entrepreneur, and incorporating products in my business. I introduced the Courageous Entrepreneur series in January, and I hope you’ve been enjoying it thus far. I love learning about new businesses and supporting the people who run them. Starting a business is no small feat, thus it is imperative that we show support to entrepreneurs and business owners as often as we can.My goal is to continue introducing you to entrepreneurs on a monthly basis, with hopes that you will show them support by purchasing a good and/or service, or by simply spreading the word to others about these businesses. You never know, reading about some of the Courageous Entrepreneurs could inspire you to become one yourself!This year, I’ve been working tirelessly to expand my business. In addition to growing my blog, incorporating products was something I really wanted to do, and I can certainly say that reading about the Courageous Entrepreneurs featured on CKC was just the motivation I needed to get things done. I’m excited to let you all know that my goal has been achieved. The Courage Kinks and Curves Collection was inspired by the Courageous Entrepreneur series. It is comprised of t-shirts, totes and mugs, adorned with original sayings created by yours truly. When creating the sayings, I wanted to come up with something catchy yet unique, that speaks to the business minded individual. So, for all of you content creators, business owners, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and pretty much anyone with a purpose and a dream, these products are for you!To check out the collection, simply click the ‘shop’ tab on the main page of my blog. Also, stay tuned for upcoming blog posts, where I’ll show you the many ways you can style the t-shirts, how you can be fashionable running errands with your cute tote, and how you can sip your tea in a fabulous mug!What do you think about the collection? Which item is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!


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