4 Ways to Remember and Honor your Loved Ones

The holiday season can be challenging for many, especially those who have lost loved ones. I just experienced the third Thanksgiving without my dad, and am approaching the fourth Christmas without him. I think there will always be sadness in my heart without him here, especially during the holidays. I’m determined, however, to feel the feelings and be thankful for those pockets of joy that God always gives. In my grief, I’ve thought about ways to honor him and thought I’d share for those who may be inspired to do the same for their loved ones.

Starting a Scholarship or Foundation

Years ago, my dad had an idea of starting a scholarship at our Alma Mater. Instead of receiving birthday gifts at his party, he asked everyone to donate money, that would be used to help a young scholar achieve their dreams of attending and graduating from college without the added stress of cost. Since that time, several students have been awarded the scholarship, graduated and gone on to accomplish great things. Although this was technically started before my father passed, we’ve continued the work in his memory, and in honor of my mom who works with us.

Personalized Jewelry

One of my favorite pictures with my father is a picture taken of us as he walked me down the aisle on my wedding day. Some time in the future I plan to get a necklace made that has a locket with that picture in it. I’d also like to get a custom handwritten name necklace. I have a few documents from my dad where he signed my name, so I think it would be special to have that. In addition, having a name necklace with his nickname is an option I’d like to explore.

Keepsake Box

You may consider a keepsake box filled with some of your loved ones things. I don’t have things in a box, but I do have some items that I pull out from time to time that remind me of my dad. I enjoy looking at old pictures of him in his prime. I also appreciate having one of his favorite flannel jackets that I sometimes wear around the house when I think about him.


For his service, we had a beautiful booklet made filled with tons of pictures and a beautiful write up of his life. We were able to give the booklet to many friends and family who were unable to make the service due to the pandemic.

I know topics like this are often really sad and difficult for people, but I felt led to share these ideas in case someone is looking for ways to honor their loved one. I hope you find this helpful.


Merry Christmas


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