Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day, the first one without my dad. It’s been a little over 6 months since he passed away. I’m feeling all kinds of emotions. I’m sad he’s not here in body with us. I’m happy I was blessed with such an awesome dad. At times I’m in shock that this is actually my reality and “new normal”. I’m proud that I’ve made it this far without loosing my mind. I’m thankful to God for keeping me mentally and physically.As I reflect on the 36 years of life I had with my dad,I laugh as I remember him being a jokester.I smile as I remember him showing unconditional love to mom, my sisters and me.I thank God as I reflect on the lessons he taught over the years.I work hard on the tasks set before me as I remember how he worked hard and sacrificed to provide for us and leave a lasting legacy.Husband, Father, Professor Emeritus, Mentor, Black Belt Karate Instructor, Father Figure, Hometown Hero.Happy Heavenly Father’s Day Dad!“I’ll be loving you always!”10.28.1948-12.02.2020


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