Boppy on Amazon Partnership

As a new mom, I’ve received a ton of advice about items I should have on hand. One in particular, I received a lot of positive feedback on. That product is none other than the Boppy Original Pillow. The Boppy is designed to offer back and neck support when nursing or bottle-feeding. It lifts your baby to a more ergonomic position, thus offering a comfortable feeding experience. We use the Boppy daily in our home. Our greatest use has been for bottle feeding and nursing, but now that our son is almost 3 months old, we’re able to prop him up on it. The Boppy can be used throughout your child’s first year of life. In addition to feeding and propping, other uses include tummy time (around 6 months) and sitting (around 9 months).The Boppy Pillow and Boppy Pillow Cover are machine washable. We actually have three Boppy’s. We keep one upstairs, one downstairs and a spare in case one of those gets a spill or stain on it. Since the Boppy is a vital item for us, it’s important that we always have a back up. So far on my motherhood journey, no other product has been more useful and dependable than the Boppy. When I have the Boppy on my lap and lay Eli across, he gets excited because he knows he’s in for a special treat of mommy’s liquid gold!If you’re interested in purchasing the Boppy for yourself or a soon-to-be mom or dad, be sure to purchase from my Amazon storefront here.Have you used the Boppy before? Comment below and tell me about your experience.#BoppyOnAmazon #BoppyLove @BoppyCompany


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