Love for Luxury

For a while now, I’ve had a love for luxury, specifically handbags and jewelry. I’m more of a high-low shopper, so every bag or piece of jewelry (or clothing item for that matter) I wear isn’t a name brand or an expensive piece. I do, however, think it’s important to treat yourself with nice things within your means as often as possible. For some, nice things may be the best bottles at the winery, taking trips to exotic islands, eating the best foods at the most exquisite restaurants, or getting facials on a monthly basis. I honestly enjoy all those things too. Whatever your “thing” is, do it and/or buy it as long as you’ve taken care of your responsibilities first.I saw a message on Instagram recently by blogger Nia Lawrence that said, “Dear Black Girl, normalize luxury in your life”. That message really spoke to me. Sometimes we tend to downgrade our blessings for fear of making others feel uncomfortable. It’s important to know your worth and live your best life now, no matter what others may think. Life is short. Embrace quality and the finer things. Stop saving things for special occasions because every day is special!


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