How Caregiving Helped Prepare Me for Motherhood

I’ve been a mother for almost two months now. This time has been spent loving, bonding with and caring for my son. A lot of my time has also been spent washing bottles, changing diapers, nursing, pumping, bottle feeding, not getting much sleep and so much more. It’s been a wonderful, yet challenging experience.When I think about this time in my life, I reflect and realize that it compares to my experience of assisting my mom, who has been a caregiver for my dad for over 15 years. My father is a cancer survivor. Over the years he has faced many challenges with his health, but by the grace of God, the medical aid of wonderful doctors and nurses and the care and support from my mom, he continues to thrive and maintain good health. I realize that a lot of his recovery is attributed to God and my mom, who has been by his side every step of the way. From managing the calendar filled with doctor’s appointments, to making sure my dad maintains a healthy diet, she has shown unconditional love and care.For a portion of March and April, I had the opportunity to be a fulltime caregiver for my dad. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, we were quarantined together for a few weeks. I got to experience first hand the role of a fulltime caregiver. Considering all he’s been through, my dad is in great shape. Even with his overall good health, it was a challenge managing it all, especially while nine months pregnant. Together we worked to keep up with medications, navigate virtual doctors appointments, and stay on top of his eating plan. In addition, I needed to take the time to handle my to-do list as well. It was hard and sometimes tiring, but we made it through and had a great time bonding in the process.The role of caregiver is indeed one that requires sacrifice. A good caregiver is selfless and provides unconditional love and support to others. Although challenging, it’s something that you commit to doing because you love your family and you want the best for them. As a new mom, I’m thankful for my time watching and assisting my mom as a caregiver. I believe it has taught me how to care for and show love unconditionally, which are traits of a good mother.


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