Second Trimester Recap

* Pictured here at 26 weeks, 3 days.*

It is often said that the 2nd trimester is the best one. I’d have to say that it was definitely better than the 1st. I can’t fully give an opinion about the 3rd trimester since it’s not over yet. Considering all that’s going on though, so far the 2nd is the best. During the 2nd trimester, I felt more like myself pre-pregnancy. Although I continued to have pregnancy brain, mentally I was in a great headspace and physically I felt awesome. I did experience some shortness of breath as I picked up weight. I also experienced leg cramps at night…terrible lol. I continued to crave the foods that I loved during the 1st trimester. During this time, more of my co-workers began to notice my growing bump. I still wore the majority of my regular size clothes as far as tops, blazers, sweatshirts and sweatpants. I’m usually a protective style girl when it comes to my hair, but I began to wear my natural hair out for a month or so. It was definitely thriving in terms of fullness, length, thickness and overall health.The 20-week anatomy scan was really special. That was the first time that I got to see my son since around the 6-7 week mark. It was so interesting seeing him move, his growth and actually feeling him move in my stomach on a more consistent basis. A friend who recently had her baby told me, that this appointment could be pretty emotional. Honestly, I didn’t think I would get emotional but when the technician showed us where the placenta was and how it provides food and nutrients to the baby, I began to get teary-eyed. I don’t know what it was about her saying that since I already knew the purpose of the placenta, but I just couldn’t hold back the tears. It’s just so special how God created women to produce and carry babies. The whole process is an amazing blessing!Towards the end of my 2nd trimester I had the glucose test. I was really nervous about it because of some of the stuff I’d seen when looking at other women’s experiences on YouTube. People who thought they were going to pass, did not and had to go back for a 2nd test which was twice as long. Fortunately for me, I passed on the first try…thank God! I’d also heard from others that the liquid you have to drink is nasty. I chose the orange flavor and did not find it to be nasty at all. The only drawback about it was that it was freezing cold, which prevented me from drinking it as fast as I could something at room temperature.All in all, the 2nd trimester was great! I really can’t complain, and for that I’m thankful! How was your 2nd trimester? Let me know in the comments below!


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