Shift Your Perspective
Jumpsuit: Anthropologie; SimilarI know with social media can come the comparison game. You compare your chapter five with someone else’s chapter thirty-five and think you should be as far along as they are. Perhaps you are not currently where you think you should be in terms of accomplishing the goals you’ve set for yourself. Today I want to encourage you to shift your perspective. You are right on track and exactly where you are supposed to be.A lot of times we look at other peoples lives with such amazement, but fail to see the value and blessings in our own. Remember, God has an assignment for you that you must complete right where you are. It’s up to you to take your eyes off of another persons path and focus solely on your journey. After all, the only person we’re competing with is the person we see when we look in the mirror.When you get upset that you don’t have your dream job yet, be thankful that you have a job. If you don’t have a job, trust that a good one is on the way. You may not be able to afford a two week vacation to Europe yet, but be grateful that you can afford a weekend away at your local beach. When we shift our perspective and realize the blessings we have, God will bless us more abundantly.How are you going to shift your perspective? Let me know in the comments below!