A Change is Coming

Shirt- Girl + GodSkirt- Zara; Similar

Are you in search of a change? Maybe you desire a change in your home, on the job, or a change in location. Or maybe you want to change your hair, clothes, or change the car you drive. I’m here to tell you today that you can make those changes, but before you do, a change has to first be made in your mind. That’s right, you have to make the decision to change a particular thing before it can happen. The word change as a verb is defined as to make or become different. What do you want to become different? How will you go about doing that?I want a change in my career. Although I’m thankful for my job, a change is needed and necessary. Gone are the days of being passive, waiting years for an opportunity that may never come, and asking permission for a seat at the table. I provide value. I have talents, degrees and a unique skillset that will be appreciated somewhere. I’ve made the declaration that this situation will change for the better sooner rather than later. My mindset has shifted from feeling less than, to knowing that greater is on the horizon.In addition to making a change in my mind, I’ve taken action by soliciting the help of a career coach to assist with my resume, LinkedIn profile, and interview skills. After a couple of sessions with her and having new and improved resumes, I’m already feeling more marketable in my job search. I’m very confident about how things are going.I feel it is important to make the change in your mind and with action, but to also be the change. I’m working to maintain a positive attitude during this ‘waiting’ period until my shift comes. It’s not always easy, yet important. At times, my patience is tested. However, I recognize that God doesn’t bless mess. It’s imperative that I keep it together, because my testimony could be what helps someone else during his or her season of waiting for change to come.Sometimes you have to talk about stuff while you’re in it, and not just when you have overcome. I was a little reluctant to talk about this, but I recognize the importance of transparency. My prayer is that this post encourages someone to keep the faith and do what’s required to see that different outcome manifest. An update with my praise report is forthcoming…claiming it in advance!Comment below with what you want to see change in your life!


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How We Style: Casual Print Tops, Neutral Pants