Risks Taking and Manifestation

Camo Jacket- Design Archives; SimilarGraphic Sweatshirt- Urban Outfitters (old)Jeans- Old Navy; SimilarBoots- Neiman Marcus; SimilarLipstick- My Amazon Store

What types of risks are you willing to take to get to where you want to be in life? This is a question I’ve been pondering on for a while, but especially since the start of this year. There are areas of my life that I want to be different, and I know that the change will ultimately start with me. I realize that I must have the faith to believe that things can and will change. Also, I must put in the work to see my dreams and goals come to fruition.My job is one of the areas that I’d like to see a change in. There are aspects of my job that I like, but I realize life is short and I want to work in my God-given gifts. I want to love what I do everyday, while getting excited to go to work. I want to be valued and appreciated for my efforts, hard work and loyalty, and I want that to be reflective through how I’m treated, the opportunity for advancement and an increase in salary. There are times when I haven’t always felt valued or appreciated, but I told myself that I would continue to work hard and do my best until my change comes.What I desire is a career that allows me to work in my passion, is flexible in that it allows me to work from home, and has great benefits and pay. Ultimately, I would love to take the Meet Marquita (MM) brand full time. In addition to blogging, I’d like to work with brands more, do some styling and create my own products that I can sell to my audience. I’d like to do all these things while making an impact in my community, inspiring women to manifest their best through life and style, while monetizing to the point where I have various revenue streams through the MM brand.To get to where I want to be, there are some risks I’ll need to take. I believe in taking smart risks, so I definitely won’t be making any big decisions prematurely and without consent from God and discussing with my husband. I plan to make more time to work on my business. Of course, this will require discipline (my word for 2019). I’ll use my time wisely as often as I can. One thing I already like to do is use my lunch break as an opportunity to get a few things done. As far as actual risks, I plan to do things even when I’m afraid because they say the magic really happens when you get out of your comfort zone.Below is a list of things I’m currently doing and some I plan to do in order to get to where I want to be. Some I consider smart risks, while all are opportunities to grow.- Invest in courses, webinars, etc. that can aid in the growth of my brand.- Follow through and complete all assignments in the courses I’m enrolled in before starting another one.- Take advantage of opportunities to network.- Pitch my own opportunities to brands that align with my purpose and goals.- Put money towards things to grow my business and less towards things that don’t.- Take advantage of every opportunity to create content around my lifestyle.- Invest in marketing.- Create video content.This post is the start of my manifestation. In writing this down today, I hope that in a few months when I revisit this post and I’ve completed the work, I would have made some significant strides towards creating the life I desire.What about you? What smart risks are you willing to take to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself? How are you manifesting those things? Let me know in the comments below!


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