New Year, New Goals

Beret- Nordstrom; SimilarBlack Coat- Forever 21 via Goodwill; SimilarSkirt- Forever 21; SimilarTank Top- Old NavyTights- ExpressBooties- DSW; SimilarEarrings- Forever 21; Similar

Happy New Year! It’s officially 2019! Where did the time go? It seems like 2018 flew by! I’m excited for the New Year, as it gives us the chance to begin again. Entering a new year allows us to reset, restart, and refocus. I’m definitely approaching this year with a new mindset and new goals!My 2019 “word of the year” is discipline. There are a lot of things I want to accomplish this year, and I know that one of the main things I’ll need in order to accomplish those things is discipline. Being disciplined is not always easy, but anything worth having requires it. There will be times when I may get discouraged, want to give up, be lazy or don’t feel like working towards my goals. In those moments, I will need to push beyond the “feeling” of not wanting to do something and focus on the things I desire. The goals I have cannot and will not be achieved without me doing the work, so I’m determined to go harder than ever before.One of the ways I’ll be more disciplined is to use my time wisely. If I have an hour of free time, instead of wasting it aimlessly looking at social media, I’ll read a book, write a blog post, or even tidy up around the house. I will also need to stay up late and or get up early to work on my goals. Once I do this long enough, I’ll be more consistent with it, and it will become more of a habit for me. While doing this, I also want to have balance, so on the days that I feel exhausted or overwhelmed, I will extend myself grace and take the time to relax and reset.I have a detailed list of the goals I hope to accomplish in 2019. Below is a fraction of the goals I’ve set for myself that I want to share with you all. My hope is that by putting them here, it will help me to hold myself accountable and have you all hold me accountable as well.- Loose 15-22 pounds.- Eat out less, cook more.- Read at least 7 books.- Create consistent meaningful content.What are some of the goals you’ve set for yourself for 2019? How do you plan on accomplishing them? Let me know in the comments below!


Feature in Black Bride Magazine


Merry Christmas