The Importance of Writing Things Down

Blouse- Target; SimilarTrousers- Urban Outfitters; SimilarShoes- DSW; Similar

Write the vision, and make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2How often do you write things down? The things you need to do, goals you want to accomplish, what to pick up from the grocery store, etc. Writing things down, either in a notebook, journal, or typing them in your cellphone or tablet, is a good thing to do and here is why.Studies show that when you write down your goals and aspirations, you’re more likely to accomplish them. Making a list of the things you want out of life is one of the first steps to making your dreams become a reality. When you think about the goals you have for yourself and decide to write them down, your desire to achieve those goals puts you in a position to take action and get to work. This is when preparation should combine with prayer. In the bible, James 2:26 states “faith without works is dead”. You’ve had the faith to believe for these things, and have even written them down. However, the part that comes next is equally as important. You’ve got to get to work and put that faith in action. Do the things necessary to get closer to your goal.There’s something about seeing the list of things you want. It’s a constant reminder to do what’s necessary to get to where you want to be. I remember at the end of 2015, I made a vision list of the things I wanted in 2016. With prayer and preparation, I ended up receiving the majority of the things on my list. One of the top things on my list was to purchase my first property. I had already thought about buying a house. Months prior, I began saving money and cut out unnecessary purchases. When I wrote about it on my vision list, I was very detailed, including all the things I wanted my house to have, which helped me to set a goal that was actually measurable. Having the list gave me something tangible to refer back to when I needed to remind myself to stay focused. It also helped me to hold myself accountable. I began researching houses, found a realtor, determined what I could afford and continued to save as much as possible until the time came for me to sign on the dotted line (well several lines).I also wrote on my vision list that I wanted to be engaged. These two things (buying a house and getting engaged) happened within the first half of the following year and within 20 days of each other. I really believe that writing the things down that I wanted for myself, set the tone for me to manifest. For the things I did not receive, I trust that they were not for me, or just not for me at that time.Whatever it is that you desire, whether it is to get healthy, save for a new car, or start a family, I encourage you to start with writing it down and believing that it’s already yours. Once you’ve done that, you’ve already won half the battle.Do you write things down? If so, have you found it to be helpful? Let me know in the comments below!


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