Style Overhaul

Black Vest- Zara, SimilarBlack and White Stripe Dress- H&M; Similar

Have you ever felt like you have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear? That’s how I feel now. My closet is stuffed and drawers filled with things that aren’t serving a purpose. The items are either outdated, they don’t fit or I’m just not feeling them for whatever reason. I think it’s time for a closet revamp.Since I define my style as fashionably casual, I want to have nice pieces that fit well and flatter my body. I also want lots of pieces I can mix and match so that I can maximize my wardrobe. At this point, I’d guess that I’m wearing about 10% of the items I have, while the other 90% is collecting dust. I want to change that so that I’m wearing at least 90% of my clothing regularly throughout all four seasons.It’s certainly time for a purge. I think I’ll begin to go through things and keep what I like, donate some of it, and sell the rest on Poshmark. When it comes to rebuilding my wardrobe, I want to make sure that I re-up on any basics I may need such as great jeans, blazers, white blouses, and simple t-shirts, among others. Of course, I will have some trendy items and some things that are dressy for special occasions, but I want the majority of my closet to reflect my overall fashionably casual style.When it comes to accessories, I would like to slowly add more luxury items. I recently purchased my first luxury belt, which will make its debut on the blog in the coming months. I hope to add another belt soon, and possibly a scarf for the fall and winter months. I’d love to buy a new Louis Vuitton bag, but that’s going to have to wait until next year. Of course, I will keep you all updated with how things go with my closet revamp!Have you ever felt like you need a style overhaul? Ever felt like you don’t want to wear anything in your closet? Comment below and let me know how you got out of your style rut!


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