5 Ways to Shop Smarter

IMG_56381. Know your budget and stick to it.When shopping on a budget, it’s important to always check out the sale and clearance sections first. Take the time to look through the clothing racks. Oftentimes, you will score some really cute items that have been marked down significantly.If you happen to fall in love with an item that’s not in your budget, try to find a cheaper alternative. Stores such as Target, TJ Maxx, and Marshall’s have great items at affordable prices.2. Only buy items you really like.Sometimes you may see an item that’s a good deal, but it’s just “ok”. If you don’t really like an item, don’t buy it just because you have a coupon, or it’s on sale.3. Buy items that you can wear multiple ways, with multiple items in your closet for multiple seasons.It’s important to maximize your wardrobe. Only purchase items that you can mix & match with the things that are already in your closet. You want to get the most use out of your clothing and accessories as you possibly can.4. Don’t buy an item if you can’t see yourself wearing it in the next 6 months.Some trends come back in style after a while, but if you’re thinking about purchasing an item that you may not like next season, it’s probably not a good idea to buy it.5. Invest in staple pieces.It’s ok to spend more money on items that will last a long time and will always be in style. Examples of these types of items are a trench coat, a black structured handbag, a black blazer, black pumps, a white blouse, and a nice strand of pearls.Do you have any other tips that help you shop smarter? If so, let me know in the comments below!* Photos by Laveda McD Photography. *


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